Marília Librandi-Rocha

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Marília Librandi-Rocha
Marília Librandi-Rocha is an Assistant Professor of Brazilian Literature at Stanford University. Her book, "Maranhão-Manhattan. Ensaios de Literatura Brasileira," was published by 7 Letras (Rio de Janeiro) in 2009. As a fellow at the Stanford Humanities Center in 2013-14, she is currently working in her next book-length project, "Writing by Ear. Brazilian Modern Fiction and the Poetics of Listening," focusing on the theory of the novel and the actual debates on cosmopolitanism and World/Planetary literature through the perspective of authors such as Machado de Assis, Oswald de Andrade, Guimarães Rosa, and Clarice Lispector. Her recent articles have appeared in Culture, Theory & Critique, Critical Studies in Improvisation, Ellipsis, Mantis, and are forthcoming in Luso-Brazilian Review, Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, and Letteratura D’América. L-Rocha is book review editor of ellipsis, journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association(Apsa).


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7Letras | 2009
"Becoming Natives of Literature"
Culture, Theory and Critique | 2013
“Writing by Ear: Clarice Lispector, Machado de Assis, Guimarães Rosa and the Mimesis of Improvisation.”
Critical Studies in Improvisation | 2011
“In the Meantime. A Dialogical Literary Experience.”
Mantis | 2013